CMM 211 profile
200 word Draft:
The garage outback a classic Maine house with the distinct smell of exhaust and car fumes. Out behind the house you will find Cripps working on his many motorcycles.
Cripps has (blank amount) of old motorcycles that he enjoys working on as a hobby. These motorcycles are brought back to life from dead to running in the garage outback.
Michael Cripps is a professor at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine. Cripps has been teaching at the university since (blank). He chose to take the path of teaching after he decided to give up (blank).
After graduating from (blank high school) and later attending (blank college) Cripps decided to pursue (blank job). Cripps did not enjoy what he was pursuing and decided to go into the teaching field.
Peer Review:
The Motorcycle mystery
At The University of New England in student parking lot #10 on the side of Marcil Hall, there is a yellow motorcycle. The yellow motorcycle is there regardless of weather. This motorcycle has been a mystery to the students of who is the driver of the bike and how they can bare driving in Maine’s cold winter months.
Cripps has 16 old motorcycles and a purple scooter that is called “The purple destroyer” whether they run or not or he uses them as parts bikes towards building other bikes. Cripps explained he enjoys working on these bikes “as a hobby but since I got my first bike it has become a problem ever since”. Cripps originally got into restoring bikes when the 2020 covid pandemic hit. Cripps gives the credit to his son for getting him into this hobby because it was his idea to buy their first bike and restore together.
Michael Cripps is a professor at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine. Cripps has been teaching at the university since the fall of 2010. He chose to take the path of teaching after he decided to teach a few classes while he was in graduate school and enjoyed the feeling of being able to see improvements in students work.
After graduating from Amity Regional High School in Woodbridge, Connecticut. Then later attending The University of Connecticut in Hartford, and graduating with a bachelors degree in philosophy and business management. Cripps decided to pursue graduate studies after many of his past professors encurached him as well as Universitys reaching out to him. Rutgers University was the landing spot for Cripps in his graduate studies. He graduated from their with a Ph.D in Political Science, but did not originally have the intentions of being a professor he was just interested in the topic. Cripps is now the academic director for the school of arts and humanities as well as director of composition.
While Cripps did not attend college right after his highschool graduation he decided to join the work force. He started off working as a night shift custodian at Mcdonald’s. “I had to leave because I don’t like authority and people telling me what to do” Cripps said. After his journey in the fast food industry he decided to become a paiter. “I actually lied through my teeth to get the job because I never really painted houses other then a friends house but the place that hired me actually believed it and they paid me what I asked for” Cripps explaind. Cripps also did Paint houses though his time at college then was an owner of his own company for a few years more.
“He makes a point to check in with everyone that he works with as often as he can his door is always open and has a great sense of humor” Sean Ramey associate teaching professor at UNE. Ramey stated this after working with cripps for many years and getting to know his professionally and personally.
“Cripps is among one of the funniest people I have ever met, but in his humor you also get to know him more and learn more about him and his background and how interesting his background has been”. Hannah Hawkins 25’ Medical Biology Major at UNE. Hawkins has had Cripps in topics in digital story telling class and explained how much she enjoys going to his class.
Cripps has proven that he wants what is best for his students and strives to see the improvement in his students work day in and day out. “He is the type of guy that puts to much on his plate than he can handle at points because he always wants what is best for who ever is around him” Ramey stated.
“Through the semester I have had Cripps in class has made me want to take more communication’s classes as he has made the only one I have taken fun and exciting” hawkins explained.
Cripps has proven to his colleagues and students that he truly cares about them. Cripps wants to see other succeed in what they want to pursue in life.
Post Peer Review Journal:
Overall I think the peer review was very beneficial to me because I was able to get good ideas from the group I worked with. Going around the group talking about each other’s papers and giving each other feedback on how to make it better was very helpful from both an editorial standpoint and the person getting the feedback. The feedback I received was very helpful because it made me aware on how to reconnect my story back to what it started as. Some feedback I was given was to move up my background of my subject before I start going into using his last name and I was also given tips on my grammatical errors which was very helpful. Overall I did like being in the smaller group for peer review because it was more helpful being able to be in a smaller discussion and not a whole class but I did like the advice from the whole class for the first project.
Editorial team:
As a group we discussed the importance of wrapping up our stories and how to have a solid ending that ends the story off and not leave readers hanging. The big takeaway I got from this was how the group worked off of each other in going through each other’s papers in order to give them the best feedback possible. I believe in my opinion that Grace and Cole offered everyone very valuable feedback that the group was able to go back into their stories and be able to correct any mistakes and be able to fix what was needed. In the group I worked in I felt it was a very productive time with being able to bounce ideas off of each other for editorial ideas. Grace was able to help Brady and Cole with positive tips on what was working as well as constructive feedback on what could be changed. Cole was able to give Grace perfect feedback on how she would be able to strengthen her profile piece and to be able to make it strong.
Final Copy:
The Motorcycle Mystery Man
By:Evan Glynos
At the University of New England in student parking lot #10 on the side of Marcil Hall, there is a yellow motorcycle. The yellow motorcycle is there regardless of the weather. This motorcycle has been a mystery to the students of who is the driver of the bike and how they can bear driving in Maine’s cold winter months.
Michael Cripps is a professor at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine. Cripps has been teaching at the university since the fall of 2010. He chose to take the path of teaching after he decided to teach a few classes while he was in graduate school and enjoyed the feeling of being able to see improvements in students’ work.
Cripps has 16 old motorcycles and a purple scooter that is called “The Purple Destroyer” whether they run or not or he uses them as parts for building other bikes. Cripps explained he enjoys working on these bikes “as a hobby but since I got my first bike it has become a problem ever since.” Cripps originally got into restoring bikes when the 2020 COVID pandemic hit. Cripps gives credit to his son for getting him into this hobby because it was his idea to buy their first bike and restore it together.
After graduating from Amity Regional High School in Woodbridge, Connecticut. Then later attending The University of Connecticut in Hartford, and graduating with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and business management. Cripps decided to pursue graduate studies after many of his past professors encouraged him as well as Universities reaching out to him. Rutgers University was the landing spot for Cripps in his graduate studies. He graduated from there with a PhD in Political Science, but did not originally have the intention of being a professor; he was just interested in the topic. Cripps is now the academic director for the School of Arts and Humanities as well as director of composition.
While Cripps did not attend college right after his high school graduation he decided to join the workforce. He started off working as a night shift custodian at McDonald’s. “I had to leave because I don’t like authority and people telling me what to do, ” Cripps said. After his journey in the fast food industry, he decided to become a painter. “I lied through my teeth to get the job because I never really painted houses other than a friend’s house but the place that hired me believed it and they paid me what I asked for ” Cripps explained. Cripps also did Paint houses through his time at college then was an owner of his own company for a few years more.
“He makes a point to check in with everyone that he works with as often as he can. His door is always open and has a great sense of humor” Sean Ramey, an associate teaching professor at UNE. Ramey stated this after working with Cripps for many years and getting to know him professionally and personally.
“Cripps is among one of the funniest people I have ever met, but in his humor, you also get to know him more and learn more about him and his background and how interesting his background has been”. Hannah Hawkins 25’ Medical Biology Major at UNE. Hawkins has had Cripps in topics in digital storytelling class and explained how much she enjoys going to his class.
Cripps has proven that he wants what is best for his students and strives to see improvement in his students’ work day in and day out. “He is the type of guy that puts too much on his plate than he can handle at points because he always wants what is best for whoever is around him” Ramey stated.
“Through the semester I have had Cripps in class has made me want to take more communication classes as he has made the only one I have taken fun and exciting,” Hawkins explained.
Cripps has proven to his colleagues and students that he truly cares about them. Cripps wants to see others succeed in what they want to pursue in life.
In the cold wintery months in Biddeford, ME you will always see Cripps riding one of many motorcycles that he has restored. No matter what the temperatures are he is always riding his motorcycle to and from UNE.
Project reflection:
To reflect back on this project I really enjoyed working on it because I was able to sit down with a professor that I have gotten to know. I was also able to talk to his colleague and a student he teaches. I overall have nothing but positivity for this project due to the fact that I think it made me a better writer. I also believe sitting down in the editorial group going into it not sure how my paper was going to be and getting great feedback from Grace, Brady, and Cole on how I would be able to strengthen my paper. This really made me feel confident in my work and I felt I delivered a solid story at the end. I do also think this helped me as an editor because being in a smaller group I was actually forced to make sure I read it thoroughly in order to give good feedback to my peers. My overall takeaways from this project were very positive. I believe this helped my editing skills as well as my writing skills with going in and having to make adjustments and final revisions. This project to me really did show the difference between a more hard news article and a soft news article and helped me use different writing skills than I have been used to with writing other academic papers.